MOIS BSIS Blind Spot Detection Warning AI Camera Progressive Safe System
What is the Direct Vision Standard?
TheDVS is a rating scale that aims to reduce the number of fatal collisions involving HGVs and vulnerable road users, where lack of vision is acontributing factor. It is designed to objectively measure a driver’s directview through the windows of an HGV cab, and to define the level of risk to roadusers near the vehicle. This is expressed as a star rating from zero (poor) tofive stars (good).
What is the Progressive Safe System?
From October 28th, 2024, all zero to two-star DVS rated HGVs weighing over 12 tonnes operating in London will be required to install a Progressive Safe System (PSS) before applying for a DVS Safety Permit
MOIS meetsthe demanding standards of UN ECE R159, containing a 7inch monitor and a AIfront camera, and helps to warn the driver of possible collisions withpedestrians and cyclists in close-proximity to the front of the vehicle.
BSIS meetsthe standards of UN ECE R151, containing a LED sound and light alarm box, an AIside camera, an external sound and light alarm box, and helps to warn thedriver of possible collisions with Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) including pedestrians and cyclists in the near side of the vehicle.
MovingOff Information System (MOIS) &Blind Spot Information System (BSIS),the intelligent AI-based driving assistance system specifically design toimprove truck and bus driving safely on the road
The DVS Progressive Safe System includes:
● AI Camera Moving Off Information System(MOIS)
● AI Camera Blind Spot Information System (BSIS)
●7inch HD Monitor with visual and audiblealerts
● Visual and audio alarm for left turns
● Warning signage
Dangers of Large Vehicle Blind Spots
Largevehicles such as trucks, freight trucks, and buses have significant blindspots. When these vehicles are driving at high speeds and encountermotorcyclists changing lanes or pedestrians suddenly appearing during turns,accidents can occur easily.
Pedestrian & Vehicle Detection
Itcan detect bicycle/electric bicycle riders, pedestrians, and vehicles. Userscan activate or deactivate the pedestrian and vehicle detection alert functionat any time. (According to user preferences, the camera can be installed on theleft, right, rear, or overhead position)